Kevin Coyle's "Day Off"


Given that it's reading week at the GSA, the studio was closed today (2nd of November). To students on other courses this would seem like the ideal time to take a much-needed break. For PDE students however it was a chance to spend 12 hours assiduously making a CAD model. With the Steelcase poster deadline looming none of us had time to waste on things as inconsequential as relaxation, family or friends. On that note, the memorial service for our social lives is to be held this coming Monday at the University of Glasgow Chapel (we will, of course, be too busy to attend). With this being the first time we've had to present our work publicly, and given the venerable luminaries expected to attend, we all feel under pressure to produce something flawless that will undoubtedly grab attention.

From a personal point of view, i did enjoy working from home. My near 3 hour round commute to skypark can be more than a little wearing and i always feel like it is time lost. Working in comfortable and familiar surroundings without the deafening noise of PD doing whatever it is PD does was a welcome change. And given my general dislike of social interaction in all its forms, I definitely think it's a way of working that I could get used to. I even managed the superhuman feat of resisting the temptation to watch the 2 episodes of Homeland i have on my Sky+. An effort so valiant its surely worth an A for this project on its own.

Having said all that, a good day working from home can't compare to a bad day doing nothing. As Anton Chekhov once observed "There is no complete happiness without complete idleness."

And it's like i always say; life moves pretty fast: if you spend your days off making CAD models, you're almost guaranteed to miss it.

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